The Municipal Socialist Group spokesman, Manuel Soler, has stated that "the Municipal Socialist Group has submitted for discussion at the regular plenary session next Monday where we provide coverage for flood victims. Referred to in the motion that affected by the floods are represented in the Bureau for Development of professional agricultural organizations, agricultural cooperatives and neighborhood associations. The Popular Party has proposed to the Socialist Group present the motion together, but with the proviso that the victims are represented by a single person, rejecting the incorporation of cooperatives, agricultural organizations and neighborhood associations. We agreed to not understand the rejection of the presence of these groups in the Bureau for Development ".
Soler said that "to represent the victims of the earthquake, we believe that in addition to representatives of the groups, the City must give entry to more homeless people as individuals. Indeed, there have been a number of meetings attended by more than 20 people and now only wants a representative to accept the motion can be combined, leaving out unions, agricultural organizations and neighborhood associations. This is something we do not understand and do not share. "
Lorquino The mayor pointed out that "there are many families who have lost everything: livestock, crops. Could not occupy their homes until they are repaired or rebuilt. As we have seen, most of the approximately 300 homes that have been affected can be rehabilitated when moisture disappears and re-occupy their owners but at least two, located at ground zero will have to be demolished. "
The social responsibility added that "we must remember that with such ridiculous amounts as provided for in Royal Decree 1505/2012 recently approved by the Council of Ministers, the owners do not have enough money or for the settlement or reconstruction. Contemplating the requirement of agricultural insurance coverage at the time of the disaster, to access the help of 8,000 euros per farm and found the majority of farms without the policy contracted, can not access any help for livestock and damage agricultural crops. These are such fantastic support that the Government of Rajoy and Valcárcel going to give the flood victims. "
Manuel Soler has finished considering that "we talk about victims with major damage and in many cases have no income, they have lost everything. Such families are entitled to participate in the solidarity funds".
Source: PSOE Lorca