Councilman Youth council of Lorca, Augustine Llamas, and Vice President of the Youth Council, Luis Montiel, Lorca have invited to enjoy this urban art event to be held at the Skate Park of Santa Clara Avenue from 16:00.
Councilman Youth council of Lorca, Augustine Llamas, and Vice President of Youth Council of Lorca, Luis Montiel, this morning I Lorca Park Jam, to be held this Saturday, December 1st at Skate Park Santa Clara Avenue from 16:00 pm until midnight.
Llamas explained that this is a day of street art which includes four styles and trends of urban art practiced by young people.
During the event there will be "battle of the bands", skateboarding exhibitions, a wall decoration by young Lorca graffiti, break dance exhibition and a concert style seven rap groups Lorca and Guadalentín region.
The mayor has invited Lorca to enjoy this initiative as part of a youth group in the city with the intention of consolidating this day every year in the town of Lorca.
As explained Llamas, on this first occasion and have been supported by groups of neighboring municipalities as Mazarrón, Eagles or Totana.
The graffiti exhibition starts 16:00, while at 16:30 starts displaying skate and 18:00 hours break dance.
Also, at 19:00 will start the contest called "Batalla de Gallos" 20:00 pm and concerts begin Groups Lorca Sons of Rima, Zone and Shouk, original styles and Rezio, those who will follow Raw Chronicles (Mazarrón) plus PSK and Dossis Pelao and Hardcore in Totana.
Montiel has stressed the importance of promoting initiatives like this, start from the young people themselves, especially when it comes to promoting cultural activities, sports and leisure.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca