The Municipal Socialist Party councilor, Isabel Casalduero, has begun his appearance highlighting "the situation in which they find certain buildings in the city, some of the potential danger that exhibit and others for the same reason as well as the interest shown from the historically and culturally. speak of buildings located throughout our town, in every neighborhood and in the center. "
Casalduero recalled that "two weeks ago and due to bad weather and strong winds we suffer, we saw how we could find in our streets, quite regularly, cornices and decorative elements of buildings, usually old or have been abandoned , cordoned off by landslides.'re talking about buildings whose state, even before the earthquake hazard presented to Lorca. As we said at the time, it is useless to put fences after landslides. We must thank, since no been no personal misfortune. "
Lorquina The mayor explained that "these buildings, which traditionally were in poor condition, we have to add to landslides still occur today in other properties by effects, still, earthquakes and worse every time aggravated weather situations. since the Socialist Party, we wonder when we will be able to stop looking Lorca up when we walk down the street.'s the least we could want. "
The Socialist councilor has conveyed that "we are also here today to expose the situation of certain important buildings in our city from the point of view of history and culture. We wonder what happens to abandoned buildings by the City as the purpose and the old jail. Buildings that were not too affected by the earthquake but are absolutely abandoned, which undoubtedly worsen their situation gradually. Will the City Council to act on these buildings, certainly important from the point of view of cultural heritage, before are insurmountable? ".
Jódar Casalduero said "otherwise difficult to explain is the Mansion of the Garden Ruano. This legendary building is operational but is only using the ground floor being the remainder of rehabilitation by the City. Want to think suffers no major damage to the structure to be open to the public. But then, what is the reason for which the City has not made and the actions needed to have it fully operational? ".
Social responsibility has emphasized that "we wonder the same thing with the relationship of the historic houses that were damaged by earthquakes, privately owned, but whose rehabilitation must involve government buildings to be protected on the outside grade 2 and which has not yet acted (House of Guevara in John II, the Irurita House, House of the Ponce de Leon in San Vicente, opposite the Casino House or House of the mule in the pool). What measures plan to take over the same administration?. We also talk about the building of the Union of Irrigation, which has a unique Art Nouveau façade in our city. Anyone can stop by percatar the situation in which it is located. Did intends to act on let him or just let it fall? ".
Isabel Casalduero finished detailing that "you do not have any explanation is the situation of the Municipal School of Music and Art, which is rising in the Cat. Funded by the Plan E government of Spain a budget of 1.5 million Euros, had a lead time of six months and should have been finished in December 2010. Though requested an extension of another six months, compliance with which would have meant that the center had been in launched at the beginning of this school year, has not been met, as the company ordered another special extension of six months, with the damage that leads to all students and faculty. We want to ask what measures is the City Council regarding a building fully funded by the Central Government and whose situation is causing serious disruption to the students of the School of Visual Arts, the Municipal Band and the Municipal School of Music which, remember, continue giving classes at the Colegio San José ".
Source: PSOE Lorca