"For an equality without walls" is the theme this year for the 14 days of cultural, sporting, social and awareness organized by the Federation of Women's Organizations of Lorca and Tercia Women Association.
Women Councilwoman City of Lorca, Eulalia Ibarra, along with the presidents of the Federation of Women's Organizations of Lorca, Pilar Fernandez, and Secretary of the Association of Women of Terce, Montse, presented this morning special programming the Consistory has organized in collaboration with these two groups on the occasion of March 8, International Day of the Rights of Women.
Ibarra explained that this awareness campaign for equality includes 15 events, for which it has the support of various organizations and companies.
So, with the help of Cineclub Paradiso on Wednesday March 6 programming will open with a screening at the Cultural Hall Cajamurcia of the film "From your window to mine" at 18:30 and 22:00 hours.
The mayor explained that the same day at 20:00 hours on the same cultural space will be inaugurated the painting exhibition "Words of Women" Portales Art Group, and at noon a radio with Cadena Azul.
On Thursday March 7 Lorca-Cadena Ser Radio broadcast the program "Equality is not a story" at 13.00, while March 8 will be the Cadena Cope-Lorca which output from the Secondary School Sierra Almenara Purias a program of youth called "My mother is a working woman."
The same day 8 to 19:00 pm in the Plaza Calderon will read a manifesto and 20:30 Federation of Women's Organizations of Lorca for a delivery of IV Awards March 8 at the restaurant El Faroli.
The mayor said "on Saturday March 9 and Thursday 14 at 19:00 pm at the fairgrounds in Santa Quiteria III will be the Theatre Festival of Women Associations of Lorca, which this year will take place over two days groups by increased compared to last year, and which this year involved seven groups of women "
Also, on Sunday at 11:30 am the sporting event for women, with a volleyball game in the Municipal Pavilion Almendricos and March 11 Federation of Women's Organizations present the awards for the first contest and Short Narrative Essay " Rosalia Vallejo Chamber "designed for young, at 19:00 pm in the Cultural Fund Espin.
In addition, on March 12 at 19:30 will open at the Cultural Center of the City Women's Art exhibition, the group ociocultura.
Award "Egalitarian Man", the sergeant of the 6th Civil Guard Company
Among all activities Eulalia Ibarra has emphasized the delivery for the second year of the award "Female Equal", which this year will fall on the sergeant of the 6th Company of the Guardia Civil, Angel Perán Perez, who will receive the honor on Wednesday 13 March at 19:00 pm in the Cultural Fund Espin, after which he made a talk about men committed for equality.
To finish programming on Saturday March 16 will be a hiking trail through the Natural Park of the Sierra de Maria, Los Velez and Velez Rubio cultural visit, and Wednesday 20 at 19:00 Women Councilwoman deliver second prizes Cortes Stories literary competition "Women", which have been presented 82 participants, but only 23 met the requirement of residing in the Region of Murcia.
Councilwoman Women has highlighted the importance of these events to raise awareness, that will reinforce these days the daily work we do from the authorities and citizens' groups.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca