From Monday to Thursday, will enjoy free Lorca in the Cultural Hall CajaMurcia 'The Spark of Life', 'Group 7', '4, 5 to 5.1 intimate chronicle of an earthquake ', and' God knows' .
All films will at 18:30.
and another at 22.00.
The Councillor for Culture of the City of Lorca, Sandra Martinez, has reported that the City Council has organized with the Cineclub Paradiso for the week of 11 to 15 March, a film series comprises four titles under the heading of The Town Plane, with which you want to raise a discussion on the role of the urban landscape as the main actor of many films.
Martinez explained that "four films have been selected to illustrate this approach, which, obviously, is a city as a visual reference."
The city of Cartagena and its Roman theater environment, are the backdrop for the current funny satire on the society of the spectacle that director Alex de la Iglesia takes on 'The Spark of Life'.
Film that opens the cycle on Tuesday, March 12.
One of the great Goya nominated for awards this year, 'Group 7', directed by Alberto Rodriguez Sevilla, Sevilla accurately portrays the pre-Expo 92 has a gripping story while police, led by an exceptional cast, which include Mario Casas and Antonio de La Torre.
This film, one of the best Spanish film in 2012 will spend the Thursday, March 14.
But, without doubt, the most interesting of the cycle is the presentation in our city of the films to date, with more skill and quality have portrayed the urban and human landscape after the earthquakes of May 2011: " 4.5 to 5.1 earthquake intimate Chronicle (Carmen Latorre and Samuel Alarcón), on Wednesday, March 13 and God knows (Silvia King), on Friday, March 15. Works of two young film professionals from home Lorca, Carmen Latorre (in collaboration with Samuel Alarcón) and Silvia King. Both will be present in the room the day of the screening of his film to present and discuss after passing those interested spectators.
Addressing, each of different periods in the sequence of events and providing a different look also on them thus offer a complementary view of the time and completes at the same time that they become a document shocking and necessary film of the recent history of our city.
All films will pass the Cultural Hall Cajamurcia in two passes, with times of 18.30 h.
the first, and 22.00 h.
the second.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca