Councilman Sports City of Lorca, Augustine Llamas, reported that on 4 and 5 April Lorca teams face representatives of the municipalities of Mazarron and Aguilas in the various team sports such as basketball , handball and football.
Of these clashes will the teams representing Group 1, which included Lorca, in the regional quarterfinals school sports, to be held on Saturday 13 and 20 April in Murcia.
The details of the clashes of Lorca teams is as follows:
INFANT FEMALE BASKETBALL: IES IES Alfonso Vs Ramon Arcas Escámez (Eagles).
17:00 h.
Pavilion Diego Calvo (Eagles).
FEMALE CADET BASKETBALL: Ibanez Martin Vs IES IES Europe (Eagles).
17:00 h.
Pavilion Diego Calvo (Eagles).
HANDBALL MALE CHILD: Mother of God IES Vs Felipe II (Mazarrón).
18:00 h.
Pavilion of San Antonio.
INFANT FEMALE HANDBALL: IES IES Vs Prince of Asturias Domingo Valdivieso (Mazarrón).
17:00 h.
Pavilion San Antonio.
INFANT FEMALE FOOTBALL: Town Vs IES Sun Domingo Valdivieso (Mazarrón).
16:30 h.
Polideportivo Municipal de Mazarrón.
FOOTBALL INFANT MALE: IES IES Francisco Ros Vs Francisco Valdivieso (Mazarrón).
17:30 h.
Polideportivo Municipal de Mazarrón.
FEMALE CADET FOOTBALL: San Juan Bosco Vs IES College Century (Mazarrón).
17:30 h.
Pavilion The Aceña (Mazarrón).
MALE CADET FOOTBALL: High Vs Pedanías IES IES Domingo Valdivieso (Mazarrón).
16:30 h.
Pavilion The Aceña (Mazarrón)
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca