The document is available from the web to give answers on the education system, informal education and links to official sites, newsletters and other information of interest.
Councilman Youth council of Lorca, Augustine Llamas, this morning a study guide interactive 50-page, which will be accessible on the website of this municipal area and created with the aim of responding to the Lorca youth responses to requests for information that have to decide more easily and more safely they want to receive training.
Llamas explained that "this work is a complete guide, written with the collaboration of different educational institutions, which includes updated information on the education system, the possible routes to follow and training alternatives offering both formal education as unregulated ".
The councilman said "this guide, for its online format and organization, is very direct and more practical than printed, it can be accessed from anywhere with multiple technological devices, while also allowed to include shortcuts official pages, newsletters, directories, ... and a news section, which will be included modifications and updates deadlines, requirements, ... of the different calls. "
The information provided is an approach to the fundamental elements that make up each of the possible options within the different levels of study: LOE education system, education system structure, Vocational Training Program, Baccalaureate, College Access, Training professional university education, arts and languages, Adult Education, Distance Education, granted approval n study abroad, scholarships and financial aid, among other information.
Personal attention in Lorca Informajoven Campus
Finally, the mayor recalled when in doubt you can get young people about their future Lorca student or professional, will always have a personalized in learning and career counseling to the Youth Council has in the Information Center Youth Campus Universitario de Lorca.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca