The Deputy Secretary General of the PSOE Lorca, Antonio Navarro, recalled that "the 8th of April, held an extraordinary plenary session at the request of opposition groups to discuss and try to clear the disastrous mismanagement and the current government team. The result was that team interventions Municipal Government put forward a number of data we already knew, that nobody asked, and did not answer anything I asked. "
Navarro has held that "we know nothing of aid not arriving, records that do not resolve, a plan that does not exist Lorca, over 1,100 homes or are being rebuilt or reconstructed know when, over 3,000 displaced Lorca their homes. Like last month, the last, the last, and so on until 23 months back, we have the same answer. "
"With this scenario, from the Socialist Party make two comments. Firstly, we have seen" in situ "is not managed as a catastrophe of this magnitude. Secondly, we know that a catastrophe like this is impossible to foresee (I mean the earthquake ), but the consequences that could result in property damage if there are ", he added.
The social responsibility stressed that "we have witnessed the unforgivable irresponsibility on the part of the autonomous community of hospitals have no insurance. Uninsured sports centers. Schools where our children spend most of the time, not sure."
Antonio Navarro finished stressing that "all of the above, from the Socialist Party demand that all hospitals and sports are provided with an insurance policy and that it is public. Likewise, in schools this policy should be AMPA available for parents to have the certainty that the center has your insurance policy in force and with sufficient guarantees. "
Source: PSOE Lorca