The mayor of Economics IU has answered "most of the municipal facilities have been rehabilitated and and if were reported, they would know that it is made retention credit to rehabilitate the few municipal properties missing".
Economics Councilman Lorca, Luis Amador, IU has answered that "the majority of municipal facilities, over 150, rehabilitated and, and, if you inform, you would know that it is made retention credit to rehabilitate the few municipal properties and therefore missing that money can not touch just to that. therefore should stop talking nonsense about it. "
"Those actions have not been implemented yet for reasons beyond the Consistory as the lack of agreement of the other owners of the building to fix the structure, the delay in the payment of insurance compensation or the need to adapt projects listed buildings to the instructions of the competent administration technicians, as we have stated on several occasions, "said the mayor.
In this sense, Amador recalls that "earthquakes followed the city of Lorca costing more money that has gone into the city coffers for this reason, because we pay more services to citizens and for the works performed with the improvements."
Similarly, the mayor pointed out that "the municipal debt reduction is the result of the efforts of all city employees and members of the government team, who were able to manage more with less and the proof is the reduction of the cost of contracts such as telephony and internet, gardening or electricity. "
Finally, the council has claimed responsibility for his statements IU and "abandon bad faith".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca