The Socialist parliamentary group proposed in the Board of Spokesmen Regional Assembly on Tuesday April 30, holding an extraordinary plenary session with debate monograph on disasters in Lorca, but most People's Party did not accept the socialist proposal.
This refusal, according to the regional deputy, Manuel Soler shows that the Party does not want to seek solutions to the problems that Lorca produced by the earthquake and the September floods.
The next day, May 11 marks the second anniversary of the earthquake in Lorca and only has started rebuilding the fourth of the houses that were demolished.
"After two years, the neighbors who were forced to pay rent for homelessness, as well as continue to pay the mortgage, have only taken by the Joint Committee the first four months and many buildings can not be rebuilt because not reach their owners or the homeowners of that aid Joint Committee ".
The PSRM believes it is necessary to analyze the problems of the residents of Lorca related to earthquakes, the reason that have not been resolved in two years, which is the time elapsed since the earthquake occurred, and what solutions have to administrations contribute to overcome the current situation.
September Flood
Soler reported, moreover, that more than seven months since the last flooding occurred in the Guadalentin, for which the districts of Lorca's garden were torn, and the support provided to date by both the Central Government as for the Autonomous Community of Murcia to mitigate the damage to farms and livestock, are ridiculous.
"Therefore, we do not understand that the parliamentary group reject the proposal to analyze the situation and find ways to support families, who in many cases have lost everything."
Socialist MP calls on the Regional Assembly to take part to address these serious and endless trouble, to find a solution.
"But unfortunately for Lorca, it seems that the PP is not the work," he said.