The Municipal Socialist Group spokesman, Manuel Soler, began his appearance by announcing that "in the May regular plenary, our group will file a motion to have the city of Lorca negotiate and get EU funds Operational Programme 2014 - 2020 with the order to be able to include in the Plan Lorca + vital projects for the municipality and in the Master Plan are not covered due to lack of funding. "
The social responsibility has stated that "the Operational Programme of the European Union for the next eight years is being negotiated at present.'s The right time for the Mayor and his government team achieve the Autonomous Community and the Spanish authorities to obtain funding so they can be included in the Plan Lorca + much needed projects and demanded by the citizenry. "
Soler has stressed that "the underground AVE passing through Lorca has to be a reality. Lorca Plan The draft prepared by the team of Local Government and the Autonomous Region in August of 2011 contemplated a game of 150 million euros for this investment. Finally has not been included in the investments under this Plan may be made from now until 2020. As announced by the Chief Seville and the Mayor in presenting the Plan Lorca +, this is open for possible extensions. The Socialist Municipal Group will propose at the next plenary Ordinary May for approval, the UNDERGROUND is a priority in the search for funding. "
Lorca The mayor detailed "other smaller projects economic but no less important to Lorca are the Ronda Sur, much needed to decongest the city traffic and to continue the semipeatonalización in order to enhance trade in our city. Plan Economic Recovery and Job Creation for High hamlets of Lorca. Second phase of the campus of Lorca. Solution to San Antonio that was valued in the August Plan by 50 million euros. Departure from the highway to the Castle of Lorca or construction of the new Children's Centre CEIP "Campillo Pasic", all projects necessary for the municipality. "
Manuel Soler ended his appearance forward that "the projects listed above and which are essential to be included in the town Lorca + Plan, thereby ensuring that they have the necessary funding to be undertaken".
Source: PSOE Lorca