Training affects magenta risks homophobic and transphobic bullying and asks for more resources to detect and prevent in their regional campaign "STOP LGBT bullying."
Education, the main tool to prevent abuse and negative attitudes towards the LGBT community
Union, Progress and Democracy in Lorca wants to join the celebration of LGBT Pride Day, and stresses the need to continue working for a more tolerant and egalitarian.
The formation magenta considers the dignity, equality of treatment and equality before the law are the basis of a democratic system, so it can not be excluded from it nor any citizen on grounds of sexual orientation.
Despite improvements occurred in this area, UPyD considered we can not ignore any intolerant attitude.
In fact, UPyD risk alert for homophobic and transphobic bullying - which in some cases can lead to suicide the child - so this year the regional level party special emphasis on this issue with a campaign that carries the theme " STOP LGBT bullying. "
Our party is aware that education is the best tool to prevent abuses against people of the LGBT community.
Therefore, it is imperative that school inclusive education depart protecting and recognizing emotional and sexual diversity of citizens.
In this sense, UPyD has submitted to Congress a motion no law on this type of bullying, which calls for stronger national studies "to determine the true extent of the problem and thus be able to analyze, prevent and treat, offering training to faculty and support and guidance to victims and families "Progress and Democracy Union Lorca joins this celebration to remember their commitment against all forms of inequality, whether by reason of race, gender, ideology, language or , as on this occasion, for their sexual orientation.
Discrimination does not fit in any rule of law.
Therefore, magenta training would point to celebrate this international day is not only a way to make visible this group and normalize their presence, but also to improve democracy.
Similarly, magenta training encourages Lorca LGBT community to celebrate this day, without fear, and conduct hereafter, which would add pleasantly.
Lorca is a modern, free people, so no one needs to be repressed in this direction and demonstrate freely.
Source: PSOE Lorca