These are pieces of Andalusian origin in different fields discovered our municipality.
Participate in the exhibition "Art and Cultures of al-Andalus", which will take place between October this year and March next.
The Councillor for Culture of the City of Lorca, Sandra Martinez, reported that five prominent parts of our city's Archaeological Museum will participate in an exhibition at the Alhambra in Granada.
Martinez has indicated that since the organization of the temporary exhibition "Art and Cultures of al-Andalus. The power of the Alhambra", formed by the Consortium for the Commemoration of the First Millennium of the Kingdom of Granada, the PAG and Generalife and Public Andalusian Legacy Foundation, have asked the Municipal Archaeological Museum of Lorca temporary loan as five pieces andalusíes dated in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries to form part of that exhibition, to be held in Granada between the months of October 2013 and March 2014.
The mayor of Culture has indicated that this new evidence, once again, the importance of the archaeological heritage of our town, focusing this time on the set of pieces Andalus.
The fact that Lorca has been a crossroads and frontier town for many centuries has been reflected in our basement shelter numerous sites that have contributed to the analysis of our past and the recovery of the reality of the moment.
Archaeological heritage Lorca has outstanding significance as we found traces of settlement of virtually all ages, from culture to the medieval Argar, through the stages of the Roman and Arabic in our territory.
Martinez Navarro explained that the 5 pieces that are to be assigned temporarily for exhibition in the Alhambra in Granada, as well as its main features are:
Gilt bronze buckle with epigraphic decoration found in the Castle Bridge.
This is a municipally owned piece from the deposit located near the current dam Bridges, in the hamlet of La Tova (The Parish). Ç
Amulet pendant crafted in silver hand as found in the Farmhouse of Cortijo del Centeno.
The site from which the opening has to be declared of cultural interest, with archaeological category.
In this enclave have been exhumed burials had three common characteristics such rural settlements: narrow shafts and open directly into the ground, about 0.40 m., Skeletons being placed right lateral decubitus position with legs bent .
Jar with stamped and incised decorations found in the street Selgas.
This is a piece Almohad presents a mixed type of ornamentation, composed by printing stamps with inscriptions, geometrical and vegetables, which are arranged in horizontal stripes on its body, reserving the entire neck to the application of paint and sgraffito back.
4 and 5) part consists of two leaflets that make a mold of gold documented in Cambrones Alley.
These are the two pieces that made a casting of charms, pendants (metallic trim to harness the horses) for horses from the Muslim period.
The pieces were found during archaeological work emergency monitoring carried out during the months of February and March 2003 in Santo Domingo Street Alley Cambrones.
According to research conducted on this piece, the mold was used to prepare personal amulets or talismans against the evil eye and other diseases, and pendants to adorn their horses, in total, five different pieces were obtained, among most notably the figure of the horse, followed by the rosette or medallion and three charms of different shapes and sizes, including one of them appears with inscriptions in which alludes to Koranic suras and some religious legends.
Few molds like this, since these objects do not show up in the archaeological excavations or go unnoticed.
The few that remain are from incidental findings and to a lesser extent, scientific interventions.
Among the documented so far there are two types of mold: simple, used for the manufacture of one piece, and the many, for the manufacture of multiple objects.
The mold is made of two plates or pieces of slate, limestone or grayish gneiss, which has a prismatic shape, with characteristics of composition, hardness and texture which hinders the development of the figures and their manufacture and decoration decorative schemes epigráfica contained in those materials, but even so, it is a material strong enough to withstand high temperatures and pressures.
NOTE: Attached photographs from the part named "Castle buckle Bridges", and one of the gold shell mold found in the Alley Cambrones.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca