All children / as of 7-14 years must be at Calle Cueto, 10 under on Saturdays at 11:00 h.
The Club Sabaduú was launched last January in coordination with initiatives Giant has achieved a stable group of children who have participated every week from January to June.
Youth Councillor City of Lorca, Augustine Llamas, reported that after the summer holidays are retaken Sabaduú Club activities, an initiative launched by the city council for the infant population to provide alternative leisure time and fun youth group during the day on Saturdays.
This Club is for children from 7-14 years of Lorca being their main objectives to develop a program of activities specially designed for children aged 7 to 14 years, weekly, where you establish informal education activities for the purposes week, as well as to involve this group, and their families, in responding to the needs of leisure and recreation for the child population of Lorca
Augustine calls indicated that Sabaduú Club is available every Saturday from 14 to 21 December, with a set schedule of 11:00 h.
to 13:00 h.
in normal session, and 10:00 h.
to 17:00 h.
when hiking.
The activities are always prepared and served by the same team of Monitors / as, so, to establish a habit in the activities and knowledge of the participating children and their families.
The proposed program is based on the implementation of activities, based on values ​​of friendship, respect, teamwork, solidarity, empathy, personal responsibility, joy ...
All children / as of 7-14 years must be at Calle Cueto, 10 under on Saturdays at 11:00 h.
The Club Sabaduú was launched last January, getting a stable group of children who have participated every week from January to June.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca