The Deputy Secretary of the PSOE Lorca, Antonio Navarro, recalled that "the Bureau Solidaria have almost 5 million euros of solidarity to help the earthquake victims of May 11, 2011. Nearly 25% of that money has been allocated to refundable advances rental records approved by the Joint Commission and the Autonomous Community does not authorize the payment. "
Navarro said that "unfortunately the figures are these: the Solidarity Committee anticipates over 1,500,000 euros in refundable advance rentals. Autonomous Community only authorizes the payment of 300,000 euros, which the region has" retained "money 1,200,000 euros Solidaria officers. This is the reason for the capitalization of the Solidarity Committee, since, according to statements by the councilor in charge, you are only 152,000 euros to continue to assist those who do not arrive Lorca aid ".
Antonio Navarro finished showing that "this circumstance we were predicting and denouncing a long time, but the City Council, with the Mayor at their head, have been deaf and are directly responsible for this situation."
Source: PSOE Lorca