The Deputy Secretary of the PSOE Lorca, Antonio Navarro, has answered in relation to the note issued by the Municipal Government team this morning with the question "if the Autonomous Community were current with their obligations as far as rental assistance is concerned, does the table now Solidaria bills would more than 1,300,000 euros instead of less than 200,000 euros? ".
Navarro stressed that "we find it shameful that instead of demanding they get these aids limited to loading inks against those who do the work they should be doing them, which is to defend the Lorca."
The social responsibility has confirmed that "if the Autonomous Community were aware of their obligations to the victims in regard to aid for rent, the Solidarity Committee today have more than 1,300,000 euros in its accounts."
Antonio Navarro finished clarifying that "the CARM, it does what it can, but what you're allowed. And it is obvious that the City Council is enabling. Therefore insist that if the Autonomous Community were up with records the payment of rents, the Solidarity Committee today would more than 1,300,000 euros, and has less than 200,000 euros. Which top it stop and not distort my words. "
Source: PSOE Lorca