This project of the Youth Council and the Department of Tourism of the City of Lorca, which sought to promote the city through social networks, has reached more than a thousand young people from both the town of Lorca and outside our city .
The Councillor for Tourism of the City of Lorca, Francisco Montiel, and member of the Board of Youth, Cristian Romeu, have delivered this morning # contest prizes estoesjuventud township tourism promotion through social networks to complement the campaign # lorcalizate of 'Lorca Workshop of Time'.
The project has reached more than a thousand young people from both the town of Lorca and outside our city as the young people themselves, who are currently abroad for study, work or volunteer, who have spread the foundations of contest.
The purpose of the call in which Photo by participants to give their particular vision of the city of the sun and its heritage as a tourist destination, has allowed the city of Lorca also has benefited and promoted.
Specifically, the winners have been voted-as-bases established through the Facebook page, and the first prize was awarded to José Manuel Fajardo, the second and third Torregrosa Agustín González Valentín Guillén.
The three most voted award received cameras of different types (aquatic, 3D and Polaroid).
Montiel has welcomed the involvement of youth groups in the dissemination of the municipality of the town "because Lorca us all and we all have to get our tourist attractions are known all over the world to come more visitors and that generate more jobs, leveraging the investment effort is being made to recover our heritage and improve our town ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca