The Secretary General of the PSOE Lorca, Daniel Martinez, began his appearance performing "Christmas Solidarity Campaign 2013. The Socialist Group in Lorca, after the good reception that the campaign was in 2012, has reissued this joint initiative involving the collection of food and clothing to benefit from "the right path", known non-profit association based in our town who works with drug addicts, alcoholics and marginal people at risk of social exclusion ".
Martinez has stated that "in 2012 and thanks to the solidarity of Lorca, the campaign closed with this NGO delivery to more than 300 kilos of food and 200 pieces of clothing for adults and children."
The social responsibility has stated that "this joint initiative is open to any citizen of our town who wants to collaborate, as the Group performs the role of channeling donations".
Martinez Fajardo said that "the date of completion of it will be on January 3 and will count on the collaboration, like last year, the Young Socialists and the UGT union brother, besides the PSOE Lorca and its members and sympathizers ".
Lorca politician insisted on "the need to be useful to society. Know that donations of food and clothing will be excellently managed by this NGO, working in the field, first person is aware of the basic needs unfortunately, many people in our town have ".
Daniel Martinez has finished thanking "the excellent work of many NGO's made altruistically and disinterested in our town, going where often fail mitigating administrations and really dramatic situations."
Source: PSOE Lorca