The officers of the local police who will park in these spaces without the disability card certifying the fine of 200 euros and brochures highlighting their lack of understanding prevents the mobility of persons with disabilities.
Mobility and the councilors of the City of Lorca NGOs, Belén Pérez and Antonia Lopez, presented along with the president of the Association of Physically Handicapped Lorca (Asdifilor), José Luis Llamas, the new awareness campaign "If you want my parking stay with my disability, "which launches the Consistory Lorca with this group to raise awareness of the non-use of parking spaces designed for disabled people without disabilities.
Perez explained that "it is a concienciadora action to be performed by the sanctioning and starts coinciding with the days before the World Disability Day, which falls on December 3. Thus those who park in the streets disability will be imposed severe penalty of 200 euros and with this you will be given a brochure that highlights your lack of understanding prevents the mobility of persons with disabilities, realizing you question 'what if it were you • Do not you park here. '"
In this sense we have published a hundred posters and 500 leaflets were distributed two volunteers with the fines, driver education talks that take place along with APANDIS institutes and with a group consisting of two agents, and a person with disabilities They will be distributed on the vehicles are somehow committing some infraction that obstructs pedestrian normalized by different areas of the city, including crosswalks and sidewalks "step.
Lopez said "we want the drivers are put on the skin of a person with reduced mobility, not in place, and realize that what for anyone supposed to stop only a moment, for people who are destined to solely those places is a great disservice. "
This initiative complements other initiatives launched by the Session as paragraph the municipal website where you can view the location of places with disabilities.
In fact, since the beginning of year have you increased the number of such places from 125 to 130, far exceeding the recommendations of the European Union by population through increased conducted since 2007, the year in which there was only 51 throughout the municipality.
In addition, you can use free of charge squares unlimited residents for two hours and the blue area covered by the ordinance of the ORA.
Perez recalled that in order to make use of these reserved parking is necessary to sight the specific European parking card issued by the City of Lorca or the appropriate authority of any member of the European Union.
This accreditation also authorizes the parking of vehicles of those obtaining in areas of loading and unloading for a maximum time of two hours, for which municipal agents perform surveillance to ensure compliance.
Finally, remember that Asdifilor is headquartered in a space donated by the city of Lorca in the House of NGOs
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca