The Ministry of Public Works and Planning in 2014 allocated a total of EUR 10.6 million to the recovery of roads in the vicinity of Lorca.
Next year, the Community will continue with performances replacement pavement roads damaged by the earthquakes and the floods, which are financed by the loan from the European Investment Bank.
Among the activities, highlights the works of replacement of the pavement in the RM-504 (La Paca-Doña Inés), RM-711 (Crossing The Paca), RM-D26 (Station to Puerto Lumbreras Puri) and RM-11 ( Lorca-Eagles).
Furthermore, it is planned to repair roads RM-C9 (Lorca-Totana Zarzadilla), RM-D4 (Mazarrón-Morata), RM-D3 (La Hoya) and improved RM-D19 (Puerto Lumbreras- The Cruceticas) and RM-D1 (La Hoya Lorca), which emphasizes repairing the bridge over the river Guadalentin.
On the other hand, will take place conditioning the layout and management of hits from the RM-D17 (Puerto Lumbreras-Almendricos).
The Minister of Public Works and Planning, Antonio Sevilla, said: "The initial investment for next year on the roads that run through Lorca and its surroundings is 10.6 million euros, an item which may increase over exercise through the remnants produced by low, as has happened this year. "
The Highways Agency aims to restore the roads affected by the earthquakes that occurred in Lorca on May 11, 2011.
The recovery of the connections, which began last year and completed in 2016, includes performances in a total of 156 kilometers and, overall, is a regional investment of 47.5 million euros.
Works are being undertaken margins and gutter cleaning, renovation of signaling systems have been installed and slope protection.
Among the actions undertaken, have also conducted the current pavement scarification, reconstruction with input from artificial gravel and executing triple surface treatment.
In this sense, Antonio Sevilla recalled that Community efforts focused in the beginning to establish the basic services necessary to restore normalcy in the lives of citizens happening then reconstruction of the urban fabric with the recovery of connections City, head of region, through its network of road infrastructure.
Source: CARM