Advisors, technicians, entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs knew the lines of aid that the three governments have put in place to boost the economy and create jobs, such as youth employment plan, entrepreneurial support, direct payments, and tax credits.
130 people attended yesterday evening the day of action to support employment and business financing organized by the Institute for the Promotion of the Region of Murcia, the Regional Employment and Training Service of the Autonomous Community and the Department of Employment of the City of Lorca in the CLD de la Alameda de Cervantes.
Advisors, technicians, entrepreneurs and Lorca interested in starting new businesses knew the lines of support that the three administrations have pushed to boost the economy and create jobs, such as youth employment plan, entrepreneurial support, direct payments, loans and tax .
So, the mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar reported measures municipal support to local businessman and unemployed, highlighting the ongoing advisory service in finding employment and self-employment support (between January 2013 and November 8450 have been addressed people, which perfectly defines the need for this service), as well as the latest launched as aid for the creation and modernization of enterprises in the districts of Lorca.
In addition, the mayor said that "from the Department of Employment during the year 2013 have developed 7 training programs in which 564 people participated in unemployment, as Initial Professional Qualification Programmes with enrolled students who have had the opportunity to learn a trade that can develop later in the workplace; own courses of the Department who have trained a total of 176 unemployed; courses in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality; Fórmate Program, You and Your Neighborhood Program with 20 unemployed that have implemented knowledge gained by participating in improving their own neighborhoods; Empléate Joint Programme and the Employment and Training Program for over 25 years.
Another important line of research is the dissemination of non-professionals with companies Lorca labor practices.
Through working together with partners on Network Employment and Training Programs, established to date by 150 companies in the municipality, the experiments of different training programs are encouraged to supply the Department of Employment.
And that is precisely the knowledge gained in theory can be developed in practice by providing students with an important professional experience.
He also highlighted the importance of the website of the Department of Employment.
Meanwhile, general manager Alejandro Zamora Programs SEF detailed the actions to support employment undertaken by the agency, as well as to the establishment of young freelancers and permanent hiring subsidies youth.
Finally, the director of INFO, Juan Hernández explained Lines business funding managed by the INFO and other means of business financing as InfoReactiva Line - MurciaBan.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca