It will get a first delivery with two compartments containing key information about the conventions, and then two mobile vans municipal park fletarán to carry over all of the documentation, given the volume of it.
The City of Lorca sent next week to the Attorney required documentation on planning agreements approved in 2005 by the PSOE.
Remission was carried out in two successive deliveries, so that first a large consignment including two compartments with the minutes of plenary sessions, committees and councils of information management Planning, together with the full file will anticipate the Conventions criteria.
Then, given the volume of material that will be analyzed, the city council sent any supplementary documentation on this subject chartering two municipal fleet vans for this purpose.
The Mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar noted in this regard that "the prosecution will have all the documentation required, as the City Council wants to get to the bottom of the matter. Know, following the statements made this morning from socialist ranks, this will cause some people to start worrying, but each must be responsible for what he does. "
The mayor stressed that since the full month of July 2005 (and so is taken verbatim from the record) said that "the city was making an improper use of planning agreements" and added that "difficulties arise approval of the appropriate partial plans "to conclude by saying that these agreements" could create difficulties for the next Corporations to meet legal proceedings that call for repayment of the amounts advanced. "
And I said this in 2005, when the PSOE now he says "we were all rich, beautiful and famous."
Then needed courage to say it and we said very clearly, so when we hear now what the PSOE empty speech sounds and bad excuses. "
Francisco Jodar wanted to clarify that the City "in no case" is responsible for the delay that could have the approval of the partial plans of these agreements.
The Mayor pointed out in this regard that "the PSOE councilors heard how the municipal officers were told at a recent meeting of the Advisory Committees that in no case the City has stalled the approval of these procedures."
What, that is not PSOE councilors have said its Secretary General?
Why have hidden?
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca