The Deputy Secretary General of the PSOE Lorca, Antonio Navarro, has observed that "the statements made by the Chief Minister, Mr Bascuñana, touting the commitment of the Central Government Lorcavuelven to bemuse. Mr. Bascuñana said that" in 2013 have invested about 600 million euros in deLorca recovery. "also states that" the Joint Commission has already approved the 97.23% of cases and have already invested 68 million euros in this concept. "Mr. Bascuñana knows that the two statements are completely false.'s totally false that in 2013 have invested in Lorca 600 million euros. Moreover, neither adding over € 500 million it has paid the Consortium of Insurance Compensation to the victims who had insurance in these three years totaling that amount. sir We would like to explain in detail where Bascuñana have gone to such compensation from the State. A we do not add up. "
"As you have already invested 68 million euros for the records adopted by the Joint Commission, is also totally false. He knows it, and all Lorca too. That amount has not arrival to the survivors even half "he pointed out.
Navarro has said "do not understand how a sensitive issue, where many families are faring so poorly and where the State and the Autonomous Community are causing all kinds of abuse and deliberate delays in the arrival of aid which by law belong Lorca and should have received more than two years ago, the nerve to make a statement how are you "is taken.
Antonio Navarro finished demanding "some rigor before cheerfully launching into making statements. Would be desirable teasing would stop once the victims. And the aid that makes sure you have come, which is absolutely lie, finally arrive. "
Source: PSOE Lorca