The festival dates have proved the most outstanding of all 2013: Easter, with a collection of 83,880 kilos and the previously mentioned Christmas, with 73,500 kilos.
Also the September fair resulted in extremely significant and 83,700 kilos January, when Eve and Reyes are collected with the annual ceiling of 112,260 kilos
Councilman Environment of the City of Lorca, Melchor Morales, has reported that the annual balance of selective collection of glass reveals a 10% increase over fiscal 2012, almost 77,000 kilos, which is considered by Limusa as "consolidation a trend that has marked, with some ups and downs, all of last year to close a fantastic month "December.
Note that the last month of the year has to retrieve a glass 25.60% more than in December 2012, reaching levels similar to 2010 and the path of progression to previous years of the crisis, with 73,500 kilos collected bells green, compared to 58,520 kilos of the same month of 2012.
With a greater perspective, during the last four months have been collected about 30,000 kilos in 2013 over the same period of 2014.
The festival dates have proved the most outstanding of all 2013: Easter, with a collection of 83,880 kilos and the previously mentioned Christmas, with 73,500 kilos.
Also the September fair resulted in extremely significant and 83,700 kilos January, when Eve and Reyes are collected with the annual ceiling of 112,260 kilos.
Source separation of light packaging remains positive path 2012 and hardly changed in absolute terms despite population decline and consumption, a figure close to 400,000 kilos.
Paper and cardboard, 13 kilos per person per year is brushed with a lump sum around 1.2 million kilos of blue bin collected.
After the renewal term resident card
Limusa cards issued this month authorized parking area regulated by the ORA intended for residents and businesses, the marked with green color.
Accreditation 2013 provisionally served during the month of January to allow time for the owner to renew the annuity, if that was his intention.
To do so, until the 30th of the first month of 2014 will have to go to the offices of the municipal Oval Plaza from 9 am to 2 pm with the card expires last year.
The annual renewal cost was frozen by the City of Lorca remaining therein 18,60 euros the previous year.
As of July, by the second half half pay: 9,30 euros.
For new high no application deadline, and must provide the user copies of the following documents, in addition to completing the application: car tax vehicle that wishes to permit, certificate of registration as a resident in a regulated street to residents by the ORA's vehicle must be registered in Lorca and free of fines.
The vehicle will be allowed during the accredited year in fenced parking area with the green for an unlimited time, but must be completely visible at all times.
The concession card means no seat reservations and no parking allowed or improper use of this card can lead to forfeiture and / or be a possible cause for administrative sanction.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca