The Official State Bulletin (BOE) has published the award of the contract for the demarcation of the Rambla de Biznaga in Lorca for an amount 468,205 euros.
On last Saturday, January 11th, the BOE collects official formalization of this initiative by the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura (CHS), vital for improving the evacuation of flood waters from the great plain that stretches between Lorca and Puerto Lumbreras.
The boundary of this boulevard is part of the Defense Plan Guadalentin Alto, launched in late 2012 after the flood of St. Wenceslas.
The boardwalk is deslindará Biznaga in a stretch of 20 kilometers from the deputation of Campillo to its mouth in the Guadalentin river, on both sides of the channel.
The most important part of this project is the beginning, where most of the problems of waterlogging is traditionally recognized.
In fact, during the flood of September 2012, Biznaga worked very well in its final stretch, but not near the highway Lorca-Eagles, where he failed to drain the accumulated water.
Consequently, a large area of ​​about 9,000 acres between the towns of Lorca and Puerto Lumbreras was flooded and remained bogged down for several days.
Source: CHS