On January 15, the Young Entrepreneurs Guadalentin by the Banking Entity SabadellCAM organized this seminar in order to learn more about the new regulations SEPA: Single Euro Payments Area.
Responsible for delivering this training talk was D.
Pedro José Camarasa Conejero, CEO of financing the Territorial Bank This SabadellCAM.
The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA by its acronym in English) is the area where citizens, companies and other economic agents can make and receive payments in euro in Europe, within and across national boundaries under the same conditions and with the same rights and obligations, regardless of where they are.
SEPA allows payments in euro between any account located in the area of ​​application, are made as easily as is currently conducting a national payment, facilitating access to new markets.
Customers can with a single account with a single card and a payment instruments with similar characteristics, make payments in any of the 33 countries in the SEPA area.
Individuals and companies had initially run until February 1 to make the adjustment to the new number with 24 digits (instead of 20), and that llamaráIBAN.
However, the European Commission has decided to grant an extension of six months, until August 1, 2014.
The extension is due to chelates transition has been slow and there could be blocking payments for consumers and empresascon the new format that provides SEPA.
Source: Guadalentín Emprende