The actions taken to reduce utility costs have made the Consistory cut to less than half the kilowatt hour, from 16 million in 2007 consumed only 7 today.
Councillors of Municipal Works and Services and the Environment of the City of Lorca, Angel Mecca and Melchor Morales, have reported that the city council has achieved excellent results in the reduction of energy consumption through measures that were put in place in 2007 by the current city administration.
Among the key findings that shed these data should be noted that if today we were consuming the same power as in 2007, we would pay the amount of EUR 7 million compared 3 today (almost 60% savings).
Regarding the Kw / h consumed, it should be noted that the 16 million Kw / h consumed in 2007 have been reduced to only 7 in 2013 (almost 60% less).
Following these results, of which it is reported in today's meeting of the Council of Local Agenda 21, both councilors stressed that efficiency and energy saving are the priority pillars for the City in the activities carried out to the installation of street lighting in the city, chasing meet the targets in their action plans of the Local Agenda 21 and the Covenant of Mayors.
The measures that were developed by the City have achieved outstanding energy savings.
The most significant are:
Thumbnail 200 astronomical clocks in dashboards and protection in order to optimize your time on and off.
Outriggers Gear, has proceeded to install equipment in reducing by 30 frames on header command centers of the city, few systems that stabilize the supply voltage of the light spots.
With the measure has reduced energy consumption by 45%, in addition to reducing relamping and maintenance costs.
Reduction Equipment; equipment has been installed on electromagnetic or electronic two-level command centers in those lacking in head gear.
This method has allowed lower flow and longer lamp life, while maintaining the power and reduce consumption.
Remote management with reduction, involving the installation of 30 remote control systems with reducing equipment for monitoring and remote control panels.
With them, besides reducing functions, accurate information is collected for the purpose of correcting deviations on the operation of public facilities.
It can also act on them remotely to optimize preventive maintenance.
Lower consumption lamps, has changed the lamp power several flow maintaining public lighting.
Figures on charts:
1) Facts kw / h per year consumed.
2) Savings in utility costs:
3) Comparison of fuel economy if they had not taken the actions:
4) Comparison of energy expenditure have not implemented these measures:
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca