It provides for the creation of 6 districts where neighborhoods and districts of our municipality are included.
Citizens elect their representatives on the boards.
The proposal will be taken to the next full City Council.
The Full Council of Lorca today approved with votes in favor of the Popular Party, the abstention of the PSOE and IU voting against the Organic Rules of the District Municipality.
The Councillor for Citizen Participation Consistory Lorca, Ana María Lidón, reported that "it is a new impetus to the participation of citizens and municipal decentralization laying opted by the current municipal administration in 2007."
The mayor explained that "this regulation projected municipal distribution in a total of 6 districts, according to different factors such as the balance of the number of inhabitants, the idiosyncratic criteria of the different areas and the distribution set for polling and their own habits and customs of residents in different parts of the broad Lorca municipality (including inner city, neighborhoods, districts and landscapes) ".
These districts, in compliance with Law 57/2003 is configured as a self-territorial area, equipped with decentralized management bodies, to promote and develop public participation in the management of municipal affairs and improvement.
These are entities that we consider essential for the implementation of a municipal policy aimed at correcting imbalances and representing the interests of the various neighborhoods and districts of the municipality.
Attended this methodology, the 6 districts would be integrated as follows:
1) District 1: Avilés, Totana Zarzadilla River Torrealvilla, Barranco Hondo, Zarcilla, La Tova, Fontanares, Zarzalico, Béjar, Nogalte, Coy, Doña Inés, La Paca, Grill, Culebrina, Jarales, Humbrías and Ortillo .
2) District 2: Hoya, fennel, Terce, Marchena, Pulgara, Cazalla, Campillo, Tiata, Puntarrón and Torrecilla.
3) District 3: Almendricos, The Wire, Puri, Carrasquilla Aguaderas, Morata, Ramonete, Pozo Higuera and Garrobillo.
4) District 4: Los Angeles / Apollonia, Saint Kitts and Heart María.5) District 5: high Parish, Santiago, San Mateo, Island / The malls and Santa Quiteria / Virgen de las Huertas.
6) District 6: San Jose, The Vineyard, San Antonio, San Fernando and Sutullena / San Fernando.Competencias Districts.
Districts may perform actions of different kinds (cultural, sports, social maintenance of local ...) as well as minor repairs that do not require major work project, provided they do not overlap other already planned.
This will reserve 2% of the total budget of the City for that purpose, to be assigned (not supplied) to these institutions for citizen participation.
Districts will have: - President (one City Councilman)
- Municipal District: consisting of the Chairmen of the Boards of Barrios or hamlets making up the District.
Function will be to monitor, control and coordination of municipal actions affecting globally integrated neighborhoods and villages in the same district.
- Joints Barrios or hamlets: include representatives of the neighbors submitted by concurrent municipal elections political formations.
Each training candidates shall report (can not be so in the elections to the City).
His conformation result of extrapolation of the election results, being composed of 5 members (districts with populations between 50 and 1,000 inhabitants), or 7 (with more than 1,000 inhabitants).
The components of these Meetings may not be councilors, nor have paid or have economic allocation.
They form part of the plenary session of the Board of Neighborhood or hamlet, with voice but without vote, one representative from each of the Neighborhood Associations of neighborhoods that integrate the Board.
These boards will form working committees to prepare studies, reports, proposals for activities, either on his own initiative or at the request of the Full Board.
The main responsibilities of these Committees are: * Adopt the relevant agreements in relation to the priorities, target, monitoring and control of budgetary expenditure items assigned to them.
* Report to the Municipal District of expense accounts made, the program of activities and management.
* To submit annually to the City Council through the Municipal District needs a state of the geographical area that includes the Board and Barrios districts, for possible inclusion in the municipal action plans and municipal budgets.
* Seek citizen proposals on improving the performance of services and municipal activities in demarcating the Board of Neighborhood or hamlet, informing them of all the Municipal District and the City Council this. * Move the Municipal District and this to the competent bodies of the City, the concerns and aspirations of the neighborhood and the citizens so that appropriate actions are promoted entities. * Participate in coordination with municipal action lines in the regime of facility utilization municipally owned civic existing in the geographical demarcation of the Board of Neighborhood or hamlet.
* Informing citizens of their rights and duties in relation to the local authority, facilitating their exercise and fulfillment.
* Provide the population of the geographical area that includes the Board of Barrios or districts, the most comprehensive information on the activity of the City and, in particular, plans, programs and agreements affecting the District to which it is attached Board neighborhood or hamlet.
* Encourage direct participation of citizens and entities in the activity of the City. * Organize the services of the Board and regulate its operation in accordance with the budget and standards generally established by the City availabilities. * The exercise of the powers are devolved or delegated to them by the Mayor or the Local Government under the terms established in the relevant agreements deconcentration or delegation.
The Municipal District, meanwhile, shall exercise the following powers: To approve the budget of the Board according to the distribution of funds allocated from the municipal budget.
- Prepare reports and make proposals on the needs of its territory, the competent services and municipal bodies, through the Chairman of the District Councillor.
- Report not binding, in the following cases:
Plans, studies and other planning and environmental instruments exclusively affecting their territory.
General plans for infrastructure works and other municipal action to take place on its territory.
Municipal budgets.
- Formulate through Councilman District President on any project or action powers are responsible and which exceed the limits established budget for approval by the municipal bodies.
- Organize the services of the Board and regulate its operation according to the available budget and standards generally established by the Administrator figure Ayuntamiento.La
Given the fact that there are villages that have less than 50 people in our municipality, and therefore can not become Pedanía Board, in these cases the Mayor shall appoint an Administrator, who was part of the Municipal Board District.
This is the case of enclaves Humbrías, Carrasquilla Culebrina, Jarales, Puntarrón and Zarzalico.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca