López Miras "Soler knows that there is no money withheld is blatantly lying, that is all that is involved from the PSOE They lorquino three years trying to exploit a tragedy.".
The Spokesman of the Popular Party of Lorca, Fernando Lopez, has described as "shameful" the lies launched by Manuel Soler against President Valcárcel in the morning.
López Miras has clarified that "everything said Manuel Soler today is false."
The only truth is that Ramón Luis Valcárcel has struggled from the start to rebuild Lorca, jeopardizing the economic resources available to the CARM and getting 300 million euros in loans to Lorca.
Today the works of Lorca overall improvement of neighborhoods are underway, are being rebuilt almost 870 of the 1,100 homes that were lost and progress in reconstruction to have been featured by experts from the European Union.
Much remains to be done and we'll move on.
Lorca is rising by the joint effort of his society, and despite the roadblocks that we will make the PSOE.
Miras Lopez said that "since the tragic earthquakes Socialists have simply lie and discredit. Has done nothing for Lorca. 3 years after the earthquake are determined to try to take political advantage of a tragedy. Their attitude at this point is absolutely deplorable.'s attack this morning against Valcárcel has been unworthy and disgusting, unworthy of a minimally responsible politician. How much longer will have to endure the Lorca the nonsense and lies of the Socialists? Have not left with already clear that Lorca want to rebuild Lorca be led by the Popular Party responsible?
The Spokesman Lorca PP he was "stunned" by the criticism made by Mr Soler against the functioning of the Joint Commission, stating "we do not understand why criticizes the payment system of the Joint Commission, as it was the PSOE who established it. "
Assumptions regarding data referenced Soler Lopez Miras stated that "Mr. Soler knows that money of the aid approved by the Joint Commission reserves the affected and paid directly through the ICO bypassing CARM. citizens receive quarterly payments (in case of rental housing) or chords to advancing the work of rebuilding your home (if the aforementioned reconstruction.) Thus, the amount is secured for those affected, and retained at any time by any administration. "
Miras Lopez said that the better the reconstruction goes, the PSOE has scarier.
After the earthquakes the PP has worked to rebuild Lorca, others take this time intoxicating and manipulating.
We work and we Lorca and Lorca, others desperate to scratch helpful with lies, lies and more lies.
Source: PP Lorca