The Spokesman PP Lorca remember that even the leaders of the local PSOE highlighted the contribution of public Valcárcel the progress of the city, "the contribution of Valcárcel Lorca is measured in millions of euros, the PSOE in millions of mistakes."
The Spokesman of the Popular Party of Lorca, Fernando Lopez, said this morning that the contribution of Ramón Luis Valcárcel Lorca's progress has been "decisive", and stressed that the President's commitment to the development of our city has been "faultless ".
As such Miras Lopez recalled that the work has been ongoing for Valcárcel and Lorca, demonstrating its commitment to facts, such as investments in health infrastructure (improving the network of health centers, extensions Rafael University Hospital Mendez ...), educational (new schools, improvements in schools, implementation of the University ...) as well as enhancing our tourism resources (BIC statement of embroidered Easter) and historical heritage.
Miras Lopez stated further that "when Lorca need Valcárcel, we could always count on him. Lorca projects are priority for Valcárcel. And the more you needed was here with us, sharing our suffering and seeking funding needed to rebuild Lorca. ratified their commitment to Lorca repeatedly. When ordered money invested in Lorca, and when it had but needed to recover from the earthquake, requested loans for 300 million euros. "
The Spokesman Lorca PP has described as "sloppy" reviews the PSOE against Valcárcel, and has reminded the party that "even their local leaders emphasized public commitment Valcárcel with Lorca. We are facing an opposition whose ridiculousness condemned to be long. Lorca know exactly who's been concerned about Lorca and who is not. coming now criticizing These are what ruined the City, which have gone to Spain in the worst crisis of its history and that when given the opportunity They help to rebuild the city, we left. "
Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and what is Valcárcel Valcárcel. "
López Miras said that "before the tragedy of the earthquake, Valcárcel handed us his hand and others threw us tripping. Such now looming to criticize, came the picture they cast and was never heard. Valcárcel signed loans for 300 million euros to lift Lorca, others left millions of euros in unpaid bills. lecture Those who now want are those who said us to close the door of the monuments and detract them sink. unto Caesar what is Caesar's and what is Valcárcel Valcárcel ".
Source: PP Lorca