The Municipal Socialist Group Spokesperson, Manuel Soler, began his appearance by announcing that "the Socialist Municipal Group supports the neighbors of La Viña in their demands on the construction of electric transformers to have the electrical power to the reconstructed houses. It is unacceptable that after three years have elapsed, the CARM now begin negotiations with Iberdrola to see who pays the cost of the work. "
Soler recalled that "the People's Party did not approve the motion on Monday that the Municipal Socialist Group presented at the regular plenary session in May. According to the People's argument, it was not necessary to adopt the motion and should rely on the efforts being conducted by the government team. The Popular Party also passed a motion in which Socialists asked for the development and implementation of an urban renewal project in the neighborhood of La Viña known as the Circle of Health ".
Manuel Soler concluded express concern "about the lack of flexibility in the processing and execution of the reclamation works of Lorca. At this rate, the deadline given by the EIB to finance works is exhausted. Autonomous Community of Murcia has three years to spend on Lorca's 185 million loan from the European Investment Bank. has now passed the half-way given by the EIB has not yet been spent or 20% of the total amount. "
The deputy spokesman of the Socialist Municipal Group, Marisol Sanchez added that "the electrical problem of the Vineyard, today, is not solved. Mr. Jodar lying to save management Regional Government. Situation in some buildings is as follows : The VINEYARD III Building is the first building completed in July last year and is currently in light work The GRAIL Building (opposite the park) comprises three neighboring communities and it seems that they have reached an agreement with Iberdrola to them. give light work.'s VINTAGE VI building was rebuilt two months ago and the last meeting in the afternoon yesterday between the councilor earthquake, Satur Martínez, Iberdrola and technicians of the council has resulted in Iberdrola refuses to power supply while the agreement between the company and the CARM is not firm, and the latter undertakes to pay the transformers. PABLO IGLESIAS Building completed its construction a month ago but his neighbors are having the same problem. "
Sanchez has reported that "the mayor himself at the meeting of the Earthquake victims held yesterday in the neighborhood of La Viña and said, and I quote verbatim: While the Convention was negotiated I will require Iberdrola electric light I wonder. Mr. Mayor: How long are going to have to wait for the neighbors and businesses in La Viña to the works of electric transformers are completed and can move into their homes with due guarantees and similarly reopen their businesses? Why the city of Lorca expected that this problem will explode in the face, once again hurting the people of Lorca, knowing in advance and for years that this problem had to fix that so transferred neighbors "?.
The Socialist councilor has demanded "firm immediately the agreement between the CARM and Iberdrola to implement transformers light needed for the electricity supply in the neighborhood of La Viña. Also require the construction works of the processors we awarded through emergency procedure to expedite thus maximum execution times. Finally, we require Iberdrola to stop harming the neighbors of La Viña and authorize the supply of light work to buildings already completed " .
Marisol Sanchez finished noting that "the PSOE has asked for registration this morning draft copy of the work of implementing the necessary electrical power transformers in the neighborhood of La Viña, including such information in the implementation period and the economic game the same. In the absence of the economic game and the execution period, we communicate in writing. Moreover, we have requested a copy of the comprehensive renovation and remodeling project in the neighborhood of La Viña ".
Source: PSOE Lorca