The Secretary General of the PSOE Lorca, Daniel Martínez, highlighted "the erratic policy that, in our view, has been developed regarding the campus of Lorca. Since the PSOE have reflected on several occasions that this is a matter of vital city for the area in which the university building sits. "
Martinez said that "in investments for the revival of our city should have included the expansion of the Campus Universitario de Lorca However, from the outset has spurned this proposal,.. What we believe is a big mistake The no expansion of the campus at the same sentence his belittlement. They still can bid two of the four races that originally were to impart. lose a historic opportunity to strengthen Lorca as a university town. "
The social responsibility added that "we also regret that the chief executive of Universities not confirm the construction of the promised seat of the Official School of Languages ​​in our town. Worth remembering that the Official Language School of Lorca is the only one that does not have own building, a new example of the lack of interest of the Regional Government to the City of the Sun in the educational aspect. "
Daniel Martinez has completed noting that "the PSOE has claimed on several occasions to build that place. Likewise, asked in a city full implementation, gradually, the intermediate and advanced Italian and basic, intermediate and advanced German. "
Source: PSOE Lorca