From 24 June to 31 July and from 1 September to 20 books may deposit Elementary 4th to 2nd Baccalaureate (except 5th Primary) that can be used for the 2013/4 and change course will get a € 10 bonus, and can be exchanged for others if someone acquires.
Youth Councillor of the City of Lorca, Agustin Llamas, reported that the municipal area has been launched for the second consecutive year at the University Campus photocopying, Informajoven next to a bank to exchange used textbooks 4th and 6 of primary, 1 ° to 4 ° of Secondary and 1st and 2nd High School.
The mayor explained that "after the success we had last year, with nearly 4,000 books exchanged, this time we will begin to receive books from 24 June to 31 July and from 1 to 20 September, and in the same period You can go anywhere checking availability of books that may be of interest to families and can book them for removal in the next 24 hours. "
Llamas stressed that "although transfers of books will be accepted without consideration, the service will operate mainly through the system of exchange of textbooks in good condition, complete and undamaged.'s Goal is to promote reuse and savings on school spending Lorca families. "
The mayor said those interested in participating in this project "must deliver on those premises the 2013/14 to be valid for the academic year 2014/13 textbooks of the course (for which there will be a database with all those who use the schools in the county), and change-voucher € 10 bonus for each book to be paid if someone acquires "will be.
Llamas Augustine stressed that "the process of collecting books be paying 10 euros per book at the end of the process will be reinstated according to the number of books you have left."
During these days becoming the website of the Youth Council listing all the books on deposit, which will see the data from books with their ISBN, publisher, matter and the school year, with the option of 24 hours power reserve them for collection.
After completing this process, from 5 to 20 September may be out books that have been in stock if there continues stocks, returning 20 to September 30 books that have not been purchased by anyone. "
The schedule delivery and collection of books will be Monday through Friday from 9 to 14 and at the stage of stock 10-14 horas.Para more information those interested can call telephone 968 47 75 66 968 44 46 43.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca