After the business meeting, visited the "Mercado del Sol", a landmark for locating traditional city business
The Young Entrepreneurs Association of the District of Guadalentin organized on Thursday 26 June, a Business Meeting with Juan Montoya in the Business Center and Department visited the "Mercado del Sol", check conducted by the project architect, Ana Jimenez, who Entrepreneurs told the audience the details of the new market.
Juan Montoya, President of the Union of Traders Lorca, holds a degree in Business, Business Management, Marketing and Related Support Services.
Building Manager and Business Center Galleries, Manager Commercial establishments Montoya, Montoya Home, Etxart & Panno, Lorca Pronovias, Pronovias Cartagena, Montoya 1903 Presintown, trincherazo Weddings and Lorca.
Transmits Juan Montoya family values, dedicated to the textile business since 1903, representing over a century of accumulated experience.
During the meeting, John explained to the attendees Young Entrepreneurs business vision and business philosophy, that your key is differentiation, "In what Montoya offer franchises are not personalized and friendly treatment, we adapt to the needs our client ";
Additional topics focused on the Revitalization of Lorca as the "Action Plan for the Historic Centre of Lorca and Adjoining" conducted by Ceclor in July 2013, is a project developed by the School of Business Enae and supported by Guadalentin Embark treated for creating a digital entrepreneur and neighborhood, boosting the historical town and from which actions can be performed for entrepreneurship and business and tourism development.
After the meeting, attendees visited the "Mercado del Sol", which will be located in ElEdificio Beltrand, a new project for the city of Lorca in the creation of new establishments in the historic town intended.
This project has the support of the Ministry of Commerce, giving 500,000 euros State Plan Competition.
El Mercado del Sol is open to all business owners and entrepreneurs who are interested in implementing your business in this new location, who could benefit from state aid and regional existing entrepreneurship.
Those interested in this project can get more info on the phone 968 442 632 or mail
Miguel Angel Sola, VP Guadalentin Embark: "It is important that we convey those business insights that can help in managing our businesses certainly has been a pleasant and productive experience."
With in these days, Guadalentin Embark aims to provide clues to the corporate management through knowledge and experience of successful entrepreneurs consolidated.
Source: Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios