Lorca City Council has held a minute of silence in memory of Miguel Ángel Blanco Garrido, mayor of the town of Bilbao Ermua killed by ETA in 1997. Plaza of Spain has welcomed 12 hours a tribute which was chaired by the Mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar, with the presence of Lorca Municipal Corporation workers council, representatives of the security forces operating in Lorca and Lorca and local associations and wanted to bring that to remember the murdered politician ETA after abduction 48 hours.
Jodar said that "as every year Lorca pays tribute to Miguel Angel Blanco in order to do not forget this young man who was brutally murdered by terrorists. All Spaniards we lived on tenterhooks those 48 hours in agony until ETA consummated the threat killing Miguel Angel Blanco on July 12, 1997. Lorca, as every year, continues to remind a person that was cruelly taken life for the simple reason to defend freedom from politics. Sun City do not forget and never forget those who suffered the most appalling brutality terrorism. "
Remember that a street in Lorca located next to Mecca IES Ramón Arcas also named Ermua councilor killed 17 years ago.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca