The Councillor for Citizen of the City of Lorca Security, María Belén Pérez, has predicted that tomorrow, Thursday July 17, the local police proceed to cut vehicle traffic on Avenida Juan Carlos I, meaning Oval Santa Paula, due to works reconstruction of houses in the residential San Mateo.
The expected time for it provides from 8 am to 20:00 pm.
Traffic will be established for this reason, a single lane on Avenida Juan Carlos I sense Puente San Diego, in the section between the streets Presbytery Emilio Garcia (Cultural Center of the City) and Florida (Huerto Ruano).
Vehicles bound for garages, loading and unloading and public parks that should run on Juan Carlos I sense Oval will be able to travel on the streets Floridablanca, Lope Gisbert towards the oval.
City buses and school buses will keep their usual itineraries.
Local police, meanwhile, indicate the company responsible and monitor traffic signaling pathways for the better development of traffic safety in our city.
From City of Lorca pedestrians extreme caution to avoid problems with these variations is advised.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca