Youth Councillor of the City of Lorca, Agustin Llamas, has released the first figures on how the Bank Textbook Exchange for the second consecutive year that launched this Council.
Flames recalled that "through this initiative aims to help families with school-age children who find it very difficult to cope with the purchase of textbooks. Despositar This may be books 4th Primary 2 ° High School, with the exception of 5th Primary, which can be used for the course 2014/2015 and in return get a bonus of 10 euros, and can be exchanged for others if someone acquires. "
The mayor stressed "the great reception given to this second edition of the Book Bank. Since 24 June that was launched has made possible the exchange of over 3,200 books, representing a 50% increase over the same program in 2013 in this period. Besides already exceeded the number of available books about the campaign last year, also increasing the availability to borrow books, demonstrating that the project was necessary and that is a very useful aid for families most in difficulty. "
Llamas also stressed that "has enabled an information point near the Alameda of the Constitution, in the afternoon, to offer the service to stakeholders, answer questions and report on the collection point and delivery of books which, remember, photocopying is the University Campus, next to Informajoven, from 9 to 14 hours. "
In this sense, Councilman Young recalled that "until July 31 will be open the first period, and will open between 1 and 20 September. Besides the website / bancodelibros can check availability of books of interest to families, which can reserve them for removal in the next 24 hours. "
Llamas concluded by thanking "the cooperation of the people involved in the initiative by providing textbooks they no longer need, whether even those who do so without any consideration in return."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca