The Municipal Socialist Group Spokesperson, Manuel Soler, began his appearance by announcing that "the Municipal Socialist Group has an urgent motion in the regular plenary session on Monday, calling for the immediate cessation of construction of sidewalks and bike lanes that CARM is doing on the old road of Eagles RM-621 until you reach an agreement to install some pipes that allow neighbors make their sanitary connections without having to break the newly built public works. "
Soler considered nonsense "the lack of coordination between the City and the Autonomous Region in scheduling the work. It is unacceptable not have foreseen that the project to install a tube to neighbors Cazalla, Campillo Puri and achieve their health rush, these have to break down and pay under the pipes have to cross the bike lane and sidewalks. harder you have families in the hamlet of Cazalla, who have the same problems as the Campillo and Puri, but also will be forced to cross three pipes in the Community Irrigation Lorca, two irrigation walk and a general pressure for drip irrigation. "
Lorca The mayor stressed that "residents of these districts have spent more than a month conducting meetings, documents and all types of procedures, both with the company carrying out the works as Aguas de Lorca and Local and Regional authorities. However, observed with concern how work progresses and no one has heard them so far. "
The Socialist spokesman has stated that "the Socialist Municipal Group has recorded this emergency motion the request of neighborhood groups, consisting of the installation of a pipe connected to the collector manholes wastewater are located between the roadway and bike lanes and sidewalks. Neighbors complain of the lack of information and the lack of foresight by the council by not requiring the CARM project contemplated the installation of pipes necessary, so that when neighbors perform their rush is not necessary to break the cycle lane and sidewalks. "
Manuel Soler concluded by stating that "these works were much needed and are requested from time immemorial by the residents of the districts affected. Were necessary, first, by the poor condition in which this road is mainly by the lack of output rainwater. certain areas in large gaps occur when it rains, preventing or halting traffic, with the corresponding threat to drivers and the problem it poses to neighbors whose only way out of their homes is this. Ha been unfortunate miscommunication between administrations when programmed ".
Source: PSOE Lorca