For Juan Manuel Cabrera, the local government must commit to the creation of spaces suitable for "pedestrian traffic lanes or bike," leaving aside the projects prioritized in "car traffic"
Lorca, Tuesday 26 August.- Local delegate UPyD in Lorca, Juan Manuel Cabrera denounces the situation where the city is motivated by the many works that "endure for months" everywhere and "we support the various complaints that neighborhood associations and various groups in the city have already made public. "
As explained by Juan Manuel Cabrera, "has long come our opposition to publishing works that have been planned without considering the opinion of the neighbors."
"This lack of consensus with the different social agents," Cabrera continued, "has led to some projects that have been prioritized for cars, instead of creating suitable for pedestrian traffic lanes or spaces bike ".
In this sense, Lorca UPyD has expressed on several occasions his opposition to this project, which is further evidence that the interests of the city government are not focused on solving real problems, such as lack of space and greenery in our town.
"For us, the solution of traffic problems in Lorca pass through the construction of true bypass roads that relieve congestion, rather than continue investing Lorca center impassable on foot or by bicycle."
Similarly, the local representative reminds the government that these ring roads were already in its election nearly eight years ago, involving a breach of election promises and a "lack of evidence of their ability to handle problems this city ", both inherited as generated from natural disasters in recent years.
For Cabrera, "works have led to the disappearance of a large number of trees and the destruction of part of sidewalks, for it was not an immediate priority replacement and that is a waste of money that could be invested in improving the quality of street furniture in the area. "
According to the local representative, the planning and the execution of works, are a real problem for residents of much of the city as well as for trade in all these areas.
"Since our formation we are convinced that it would have been much better and make a step forward planning, which did not lead to complete collapse of a major part of the city."
Also, the local spokesman for the formation reminiscent magenta City Hall since late June, "many residents who have to endure noise and dirt from the works and that many can not even access their garages" .
He also insisted that it is particularly difficult reality for many shops that are further complicated the situation of survival after tackling inactivity after earthquakes and floods, and now faced with the difficulty of passage for their customers.
"The worst of all this is that within a few days full activity restarts in the city and schools begin shortly, causing complete chaos in the life of the whole city that has not been provided by the City and will come to increase the innumerable complaints from Lorca to the huge delay in the whole process of renovation projected "complete.
On the other hand, Juan Manuel Cabrera said that "we wished that this increase in activity had taken place long before now and not all at once."
In this context, Lorca UPyD fears that this increase works answered "about electoral purposes" trying to erase the bad image of the management council in recent years with an accumulation of openings and photos to support the municipal electoral campaign within few months.
For Cabrera, "that's the real reason of the works at this time, accompanied by other infrastructure announcements to be made in recent months and that will widen from September."
Source: UPyD Región de Murcia