Councilwoman Municipal Socialist Group, Ana Isabel Lario, recalled that "the air conditioner Senior Center of San Diego does not work. From the Department involved users of the municipal center was informed that the arrangement was costly and had sent several fans to fill the role played by the cooling air conditioner. "
"We are all aware of the torrid temperatures in the summer months has plagued our city and our elders are particularly sensitive to high temperatures and the risk of dehydration collective," he added.
Lario said that "for everything outlined above, the Municipal Socialist Group submitted a question in full last Monday held last July in which the following questions enunciábamos team Municipal Government Two: It is planned to fix the apparatus air conditioned Senior Center San Diego? When will proceed to fix it? ".
The Lorca mayor stressed that "as we explained above, our fears have been fulfilled and more had to be attended to this morning due to an attack of fainting suffered heat to be supported in the Senior Center San Diego. Both directive Senior Center San Diego and users have decided not to open this municipal building until we have a response from the City. "
Ana Isabel Lario has finished expressing "again our support for the claim of the users of the Senior Center of San Diego and, as pointed out in the July plenary session, we demand an immediate solution to this problem."
Source: PSOE Lorca