The amount of this action amounts to 554,000 euros and their duration is 6 months
The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Planning, through the Directorate General of Highways, has begun work on improving the D3 RM-road, connecting the hamlet of La Hoya Lorca with the N-340, and that runs through an area of ​​high agricultural activity.
The Minister Manuel Campos said that "554,475 euros investment made by the regional government in this way will ensure optimal conditions of safety for more than 215,000 vehicles annually and the pass with a daily average intensity of 601 vehicles."
The refurbishment of the RM-D3 via third level of the regional network, focus on rebuilding the firm in a stretch of 5 kilometers through the implementation of a new layer of hot asphalt.
Work with a lead time of 6 months also allow the expansion of the platform through a concrete verges, resulting in a marked improvement in security.
In addition, the work includes the adaptation and improvement of drains, so that the hydraulic capacity of the road will be encouraged, and the replacement of broken pipe water supply that runs parallel to the road, improving also other public service essential.
The performance also includes the renovation of the existing signaling pathway and the development of cleanup.
Improvements to the road network
The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Planning has extended the improvements of the road network from Lorca to a total of 172 kilometers, 138 miles against the initially planned.
Representing an increase of up to 34 kilometers of road network.
These actions are part of the planning of the Highways Agency which aims to restore the roads affected by the earthquakes that occurred in Lorca on May 11, 2011 The Plan, which began last year and completed in 2016, is an investment by the regional government of 47.5 million euros.
Source: CARM