Our older collaborate up photographs and other material, especially in the recovery program of the legacy of our elders introducing traditional games, recipes, up old photographs and sharing their blogs.
The address is www.lorcamayor.lorca.es
Policy Councilmember Mayor of the City of Lorca, María del Carmen Ruiz, this morning the new website of the municipal area.
It is an online resource that has been designed and made by older people themselves involved in the different courses on access to new technologies being developed by the city council.
The website provides all the details related to the activities of the Department, along with service information of special interest to seniors and multiple resources such as audiovisual content posted by higher Lorca to be accessed and shared on the web.
Jódar Ruiz stressed that the web was born from the need not only to provide an informational space to over our town but with the goal of creating a learning and motivational for them.
The page will continue to add new services on the Internet in terms of the contributions that our seniors are generated.
This portal was designed to be a participatory page because its content is funded by contributions made by our elders either for participating in the various workshops, courses or working groups as well as the contributions get done through ongoing projects,
The Mayor Alderman explained that the new portal design is practical, creative, educational, informative, dynamic, addressing not only our seniors but to the community at large.
This page is the result of teamwork by older and practitioners working in this Department.
Our older collaborate up photographs and other material, especially in the recovery program of the legacy of our elders introducing traditional games, recipes, up old photos, sharing their blogs ...
Among the contents to this website which features works such as digital brochures, PowerPoint presentations, posters and a long etc. are
that will be introduced as they evolve in their digital literacy.
The contents of the pages will be updated and expanded steadily, thanks to the introduction of new resources not only of the programs developed but efforts being made by the participants and groups that work with the municipal area.
The resources offered by the new website are:
Bank of Stories: This project involves the creation of a sound bank accounts to facilitate access to reading all those older people who for whatever reason (cultural level, impaired mobility or vision, hospitalization, etc.) can not be make use of the books in local libraries, and of course we extend to anyone that will listen.
It is a project of Community and cultural nature which society Lorca is getting involved collaborating and participating in providing his voice for storytelling short which in turn have been assigned by authors and publishers with an atmosphere musical also assigned.
To date, they have worked more than 34 voices of people from the world of culture such as speakers, people from the world of literature, theater, people related to the world of our ancestors (either by being professional institutions older users, family or higher).
Also, the assigned texts exceed the thirty authors being various kinds genres: poetry, classics, children and youth, as well as unpublished narrative stories and contributions from local authors
In order to not forget none, as it is a living project, I refer you to our site where the narrators appear both as narrated works and the music that accompanies the phrase made.
There are currently more than 64 phrases made.
Travel: can access the various programs available Imserso travel and the Autonomous Region for the older group
Intergenerational program is the program that enhances the relationship between different generations of Lorca and Lorca and helps maintain solidarity among them, always within the framework of the principle of aging activo.La Department of Policy Staff develops activities to promote older, sensitize young people and combating discrimination on grounds of age, so that the inclusion and participation of all according to their needs, their interests and facilitate capacidades.En currently have the following programs:
a) storytelling smiles grandparents.
b) Sponsorship between homes and school.
c) Sharing my home with a student.
d) Young and old short.
Service alliances: the service is responsible for promoting partnerships and greater social participation of older people in Lorca, as well as the revitalization of collective existentes.Ofrece larger sociocultural information and advice to groups, support for New Groups , sociocultural associations of pensioners and training coordination meetings.
Recovery Programme Cultural Heritage: From this council propose a socio educational and community intervention recovery ethnographic life stories of our elders, proposing several activities in which older people are objects and subjects of intervention: workshops intergenerational in schools and colleges, recordings of traditional crafts and traditional games recovering various exhibitions compiled material.
All these actions are intended to encourage and promote active aging group of people over Lorca, and to be participants in the supply and transmission of traditional folk, cultural and rural heritage Lorca.La Township Department and offer leisure activities and free time for over Lorca, is aware and aims to raise awareness among the elderly and among citizens of the potential for active participation and direct their knowledge and experiences of vida.Consta
Digital Museum
Traditional Games
The pot Grandma
Oral Tradition: The alajíos gr.
Working Antoniohttp S.: //www.lorcamayor.lorca.es/asociaciones/index.asp
Socio-occupational program for the elderly: is a service that promotes active aging of our biggest seeking good management of their free time actively involving them in community and social parcels for afinidad.Este sitting service creates possibilities contacting resources occupational existing community with our elders, based on their skills and abilities preferences.
Includes the following resources: Grandparents storytelling, Ciberabuelos, The History-grandparents, Page-Grandparents, Recovery Agent Monitor Traditions and Grandpa.
Older users: We have different jobs that are contributing our course participants and the ciberabuelos:
Blog older.
Blog partnerships.
Information leaflets about healthy parks.
PowerPoint older who want to share their trips.
Photo Gallery: Pictures of current activities and courses that have been developed.
Caregiver Corner: will introduce information that may be useful to the caregiver .Disponemos videos and manuals for the care of our elders, and self-care manuals to ensure the care of the caregiver.
Program information, documentation and socio disclosure: through this service and intend to collect and disseminate information on activities related to the world of our elders and active aging of our greatest experiences.
Provides services and develops activities such as: • Development of socio-educational activities for seniors.
• Maintenance of web portal with social and older, informative and participatory.
• Development of an interesting blog to disseminate information from the world of gerontology.
• Development and dissemination of social and educational material of interest to seniors.
• Training and retraining.
• Share extensible to groups of seniors with other entities related to greater experiences.
• Creation of a fund for the Department's own documentation.
• Development of own awareness campaigns.
• Support and fund-raising campaign to other areas that may be of interest to our elders.
Other resources offered by this new website are: Social Services and Sociocultural Animation Program.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca