Councilwoman Municipal Socialist Group, Andrea Periago, has returned to denounce "the confusion, misinformation and occultism of urban regeneration projects in the districts financed by the EIB."
"The public still does not know the details of the projects and the timing of the works are routinely fail, despite continuous, yto now false advertisements termination Specifically, regarding Bartolomé Pérez Casas Street neighborhood of San Jose. , was a full commitment terminarpor works callea this mid September, and not only will not meet it, but part of it laapertura advertised, with one lane, without being terminated or calzadani sidewalks. This does not solve all the problems of mobility, significant economic damage molestiase losnumerosos shops in the area, "Periago been reported.
Lorca mayor stressed that "there numerosasquejas delas concerning performance works such as acerasmás elevadasque flush housing (so enter the water with them), lampposts to prevent the passage of wheelchairs and carts not modified was also detected lack of irrigation works, which provocaenormes dust clouds, complaints chaos to access streets that are not in work and schools Alfonso X and Andrés García Soler. hablarde not endless matters more. "
Andrea finished Periago requiring the mayor of our city "a vezpor all, take up the matter, impose their authority to autonomous bodies, and ensure the welfare of its residents and businesses instead of continually yielding to the interests of his party in Murcia ".
Source: PSOE Lorca