Technical Workshops will be held from 6 to 8 October at the National School of Civil Protection (ENPC) in Madrid
The aim of the European Forum, sponsored by the United Nations, to reduce the impact of disasters and natural disasters for a more secure Europe
The City of Lorca received the "Award Cemerin Damir Local Change" in recognition of steps taken by the municipality to improve the quality of life of older people and their ability to overcome the effects of the 2011 earthquake
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior, Luis Aguilera, along with the Special Representative of the Secretary General of United Nations Margareta Wahlström, inaugurated this morning at the National School of Civil Protection, the 5th meeting of the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction , whose presidency for 2014 lies with Spain.
The technical working sessions will be held from 6 to 8 October and, in them, involving representatives from European countries and the various national institutions and international organizations-such as the United Nations, Council of Europe and the European Commission, which form the Forum and are responsible for minimizing the consequences of natural disasters and reduce the vulnerability of populations and communities.
This meeting is an opportunity to exchange experiences and lessons learned by all participants, which will culminate in a joint declaration, the "Madrid Declaration", in which the outlines of its contribution will be collected at a new rear frame 2015, to be developed in the Third World Conference in Sendai (Japan), from 14 to 18 March next year.
Risk reduction is possible only when actors from all fields assume a common commitment, representing civil society.
As president of the Forum country, Spain will lead the development of the technical sessions, which will focus on three areas:
Adapting to climate change
Governance and accountability
Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action, signed by 168 countries to strengthen the response to natural disasters and to improve knowledge of the risks.
Background in Hyogo Framework for Action
This forum is sponsored by the United Nations, through the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction has its antecedent in the World Conference on the subject, January 2005, in which the Hyogo Framework for Action was adopted.
This Framework for Action was developed in the context of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (1990-1999) and was organized into different strategies and plans, including the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction 1999 is that is the broader framework of the United Nations on the matter.
They are your main objectives:
Adapting the institutional, legal and regulatory framework of the various states, regional organizations and international institutions.
Identify and assess risks and enhance early warning.
Manage knowledge and education to build a culture of prevention.
And reduce risk factors and strengthen disaster preparedness in order to ensure an effective response.
Damir Cemerin Award for the city of Lorca
A proposal of the Directorate General of Civil Defence and Emergency Spanish Interior Ministry, the City of Lorca has been awarded the prize for Damir Cemerin Local Change, established by the National Civil Protection Service of Croatia.
Measures taken by the municipality to improve the quality of life of older people and their "resilience" to the disaster of 2011 is recognized in this way, that is, their ability to overcome the effects of the earthquake.
The mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar, received the commemorative diploma and thanked the award given to this population, on behalf of all its citizens have such strength and solidarity shown to succeed.
Other winners in previous years have been a Croatian educator, for his informative work with children with special needs, who had to explain the nature of the disaster, to be more vulnerable, and a researcher at the International Centre and Climate Research Environmental Oslo, for his work in linking disaster risk reduction with climate change.
Source: Agencias