The Secretary General of the PSOE Lorca, Daniel Martinez, began his appearance as a candidate for mayor of Lorca announcing that "I stand above all with enthusiasm and with the aim of spreading the illusion the town of Lorca. An illusion founded on a project and shared by a team. Lorca need illusions with a new project.
Fajardo Martinez said that "after eight years gray, Lorca demands a change. A new approach in line with the times. Younger people, new to politics, with training and knowledge of Lorca reality. Given enough experience but not too much to drag the vices of the old policy. Such is the project to which I am committed. A new team, with new faces. Such vitality, the youth, the urge to change things have to be translated into a real closeness to Lorca foot ".
The socialist leader has reported that "local government should be the closest to the citizen. For this team, for this project, the important thing is people. During these eight years, the City of Lorca has been no administration. Deafness PP to citizenship has been absolute. Lorca's mayor has had its door closed to Lorca and I am committed to open it. You guys how different it would have been if all the renovations had been agreed and participated imagine by ?.. neighbors My first proposal will be to recover participatory budgeting're going to sit with neighbors and groups to meet the real needs of the municipality of Lorca and jointly seek the solution are not talking about a letter to Santa Claus; simply applying common sense. Lorca Being mayor and commissioner not a political party, as has happened so far. "
Lorca politician added that "one of the raisons d'être of the Policy is to listen to citizens have seen the authoritarian attitude of the current government team We have two very recent examples.. Refurbishment of the neighborhoods and the fair . our town They say everything they do for the sake of Lorca but obviously lack the Lorca Its behavior increasingly resembles more the motto of enlightened despotism. "Everything for the people, but without the people."
Fajardo Martinez stressed that "Lorca need to return to normal. A resolute consequence management that still dragging after the earthquakes in May 2011 Our government action will have absolute priority of job creation, generating the appropriate conditions. This requires the diversification of the local economy, from implementing a firm commitment by tourism. invited eternal that never comes Lorca must re-establish itself in the commercial and entertainment center of its natural region Likewise, you can include. value the prime strategic location of Lorca's to become a logistics center of the first order. "
Daniel Martinez has completed noting that "We live in a time of change.'s Socialist Lorca will be able to choose who we want our candidate for mayor of Lorca. For me it is a great honor and a great responsibility to be a candidate. Invite to all our members on Sunday October 19th come to the House of the People and freely and democratically participate in this election. "
Daniel Martinez Fajardo (21/03/1973) is 41 years old, is married and resides in the San Cristóbal.
It is Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
Masters in Bioethics.
He studied Law.
Since the beginning of the current Legislature, is head of the Municipal Socialist Group Newspapers in the city of Lorca.
Militant Socialist Group Lorca since 1996, is the current Secretary General of the Association and has been part of the last two Local Executive Committees headed by Diego Ferrer and Juan Antonio Hurtado.
Source: PSOE Lorca