Francisco Jodar anticipates that the City initiated a review "in depth" of the General Municipal Plan of Management to offer solutions citizens and correct the mismatch caused by the "catastrazo" 2005.
Solutions directly benefit citizens with sectored urban or unconsolidated soil, whose combined area for a total of 33.4 million square meters in our municipality.
The Mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar accompanied Aldermen Finance and planning of our City Hall, Luis Amador and Francisco García, has anticipated this morning that he will undertake a thorough review of the General Municipal Plan of Arrangement whose objective is to correct the serious imbalances and lags the current.
The mayor stated that "will correct this imbalance which resulted in situations of genuine injustice to many families Lorca, who had to pay tax receipts (IBI) for very high land on which they could not urbanize, and in many cases, build or obtain licenses to do so. now let's change this to match the reality.
Francisco Jodar explained that the City is working for several years to fix the mistakes made by others years ago.
The case is now put on the table is one of them.
I recall that in 2009 we began to put solutions to this issue, establishing a bonus of 35% in several cases.
A measure that took effect in the tax ordinance 2010 In 2012 we formed a dossier seeking renewal of cadastral values, which, due to "catastrazo" adopted by previous administrations in 2004, could not take effect until January 2015 These solutions are therefore the result of joint efforts of the technicians of the municipality and of its political leaders, whose purpose is to upgrade to the reality and common sense the amount of tax receipts in these soil types.
We talked about a problem that affects mainly to families whose lands were classified as:
Sectorizado developable land with approved development element.
This is land that is developed through Partial Plans.
Sectorizado developable land without approved development element.
Rustic unconsolidated, developed by Performance Units.
Lorca of districts, main beneficiaries
Jódar Alonso stressed that citizens who own land under one of these 3 types of soil classification are facing an unreal taxation, paying more than they should according to the current context.
It is an injustice that we will change.
Solutions that will run to end this injustice are:
1) In the case of citizens floors sectored plots marked with both item development as approved last October 31, 2013 (ago
Now almost a year) from the City Council request the General Directorate of Cadastre one downward revision of the presentation of assessed values ​​looking down these values ​​and the contribution they have to pay the 59 sectors of these soil types existing in our municipality.
The response from this department was that 10 sectors (those corresponding Partial Plan Approved) directly can benefit from the relief sought, while the rest may benefit from the new National Law who plan to see light before the end of this year.
Thus this issue is solved in both cases.
We suggest that this change would benefit landowners whose total area is 3337.79 acres, and as of Monday affected families begin to receive relevant notifications with the new values.
In concrete figures speak of a reduction in the bill they have to pay citizens as high as 80% in some cases (the average decrease of 65%).
2) In the case of citizens Urban Land unconsolidated, the City Council we will start the process to implement modification PGMO for Lorca who have land with this type of floor pass to pay adequate IBI to reality , according to the specific characteristics of each case.
The fact that Lorca who have land in this type of soil had to pay a very high while IBI could not build or obtain licenses to intervene in these areas is given, resulting in doubly unfair situations.
Significant reduction in gains also.
The Mayor explained that these solutions also result in an adjustment of the tax on the increase in urban land value (gains), the amount was too exaggerated and unfair because of such a high rateable value of that traffic.
Now when transmissions occur, would also be reduced significantly.
Recall that the current City General Plan was adopted in 2003, looking expectations of urban growth that have proven exaggerated and unrealistic, and that even were inflated subsequently approved by 17 other planning agreements more, including provisions that have shown crazy such as building more than 180,000 homes and an increase of more than 600,000 inhabitants (Lorca account currently has approximately 92,000 inhabitants).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca