The Consistory chains 7 consecutive years of decline and freezing of municipal taxes.
Car frozen seal, ORA, capital gains, public water price, IBI tax rate is maintained, among others.
Councillor for Economy and Finance of the City of Lorca, Luis Amador, has reported that the city council, as it has done since 2008, municipal taxes remain frozen for next year, in addition to establishing significant reductions (up to 40%) cases like Business Tax (IAE) and the public costs of culture and sports.
The City Council also enable next year from citizens who wish to benefit from a Personalized Plan for Taxes, which will allow them to split up in 12 months the payment of municipal taxes (Contribution, IAE, fords, reserves especio Tax, Motor Vehicle).
Thus Lorca benefiting from this new model will save default interest and will have a more comfortable, flexible and adjusted to the situation of each family taxation.
The mayor of Finance has indicated that the Tax Ordinance for next year include the establishment of a bonus in Business Tax (IAE) of up to 40% of the fee for job creation.
Sporting and cultural prices also offer these discounts up to 50% for people with disabilities, pensioners, large families and low-income citizens (the latter constituting a novelty in the actions of adequacy and tax reconciliation by the City).
Luis Amador anticipated that the taxes for the Tax Vehicle Traction Mechanics (stamp car) Tax on Building, Facilities and Works (ICICI), the rates for garbage collection, impoundment, drainage and will remain frozen in 2015 public water price, the tax rate of IBI, auctions and markets, booking space, gains, rate of Ordinance Regulating the Parking (ORA), use of public spaces ...
The mayor of Finance has indicated that it will maintain the subsidies provided to stimulate the process of rebuilding after the earthquakes.
Note that these grants provide for the rebate of 95% Tax Facilities and Building Works (ICICI) and 100% of the fee for this
Luis Amador noted that the City Council ratifies the bet by the implementation of new business linked to the exploitation of renewable energy sources for generation of employment in our town, so it will maintain a 95% rebate for the ICIO works of local social interest in the field of these energies.
It also consolidated other bonuses such as 40% for new installations, 50% for installation in PEPRI area and 40% to new locations in the industrial areas of town.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca