The secretary general of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, will be this Friday in Lorca in the presentation of Rafael González Tovar as a candidate for the Presidency of the Autonomous Community and all candidates to the mayors of the municipalities of the region and which will also address the candidate for mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos.
The event will start at 19.00 am on Friday, February 13, and will be in Hall Santa Quiteria of Lorca.
The candidates for mayors of municipalities in the region have been renovated in more than 70 percent from the last election.
The average age of the candidates is 44.3 years and is engaged in various professions as autonomous, public employees or employees, and there is even a candidate who is currently unemployed.
As the level of training, most have college, but there are also professional training or basic studies, data show that the Socialist Party is a reflection of society in the region as a whole.
The Socialist Party of the Region of Murcia commitment to change policy in the region to restore citizenship rights that have been caught after twenty years of Popular Party government.