The Mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar, and the Councillor for Employment, Eulalia Ibarra, have delivered this morning the president of the Brotherhood of 'The Curia' Diego Dominguez, the throne of the Virgin of Solitude that has been restored in the workshops the Department of Employment of the City of Lorca between December 2014 and March 2015 for damages suffered in the floods of September 2012, which added to those caused by the passage of time.
The mayor explained that "10 students of restoration workshop, gold and polychrome Urban Color Project co-financed by ERDF, a master carpenter, as well as monitors painting, electrical and locksmith have participated in the repair and improvement made by the city ​​council on this throne that comes marching since 1966, belonging to Step Incarnate, but in 2010 became known as used by the Black Step into the Palm Sunday parade ".
The Mayor said "the significant deterioration of the work has forced to make a comprehensive action, both inner structure and the carved and gilded decoration, rubbing new iconographic elements like schoolboy coat of lawyers Lorca and the anagram of Mary emblem of the Brotherhood of the Curia. Note that the restoration process began with the general disassembly to participate fully in each element. the gold and gear is etched to fix the surface and brown with gold leaf, bruñirlos with Useful agate, protect them with lacquer and patinarlos. On the inside, the structure is anchored with forged brackets, while improving clad wood support structure were replaced. We have also developed electrical work, replenishing the indoor installation, providing power and protection mechanisms and betting pos LED lighting with dimmer both internally and externally.
Francisco Jodar said that the City Council continue to work to improve the heritage elements that make Lorca processions, but also in this case has served to a group of Lorca learn a trade through these practical work.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca