The candidate of Union Progreso y Democracia mayor of Lorca, Juan Manuel Cabrera, create a "must" change the law on the election of village headman "for this is conducted directly by the neighbors."
It also proposes that a portion of the budgets allocated to districts and neighborhoods are managed by the residents themselves and they can decide what priorities they want the government to invest in their towns.
Cabrera also proposes a modification of the organic regulation in plenary "to enhance the participation of people through measures such as TV broadcasting and opening shifts intervention", and to establish procedures for consultation on relevant issues.
On the other hand, he says that "we want a closer look at the neighboring administration, in which the members of the Corporation publish their agendas so that the neighbors know where and when will be available to address them without complicated mechanisms of date."
In this sense, "we have the technological means to make this task very easy."
Cabrera believes that in the eight years of 'popular' government has produced a progressive decrease in the means of civic participation to its almost complete disappearance.
The candidate of the formation magenta regrets that the only means of communication between residents and the government team are currently the village headman and some politicized associations where the possibility of participation is very low.
"Regeneration of democracy happens in the local, to establish mechanisms for transparency and direct participation of citizens in decision-making of municipal government," he concludes.
Source: UPyD Región de Murcia